Travel Risk Management


A detailed Needs Analysis of the company or organisation with regards to the sector, number of travellers and relevant countries will be conducted.  The elements of an effective Travel Risk

Management Programme will then be presented, identifying internal and external solutions.

Development of TRM Programmes

Bespoke solutions to manage the risks to your travellers and ex-pats.

Regional and Country Specific Risk Analyses

Identify and effectively assess threats and risks through first hand information.  The optimum means to plan secure accommodation, transport partners and lines of communication.  The essential foundation for a comprehensive TRM programme.


Security Awareness Training for Travellers

The optimum way to prepare your business travellers or Ex-Pats for international travel.  Also ideally suited for Journalists and NGO or development workers.  From one day Travel Security Awareness Seminars to multi-day Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT).

Interactive seminars including situational awareness and practical critical incident exercises.


Crisis Consulting & Response

Support and assistance through every phase of a crisis.

24 hour Hotline.